So, I took the personality quiz and like PiT, I'm not sure what to make of my results, especially since Comrade Physioprof was deemed a conscientious and agreeable person, but here it goes.
Neuroticism (sometimes also called Emotional Instability) is the tendency to experience negative emotions such as sadness or anxiety. People who score high on neuroticism are vulnerable to stress and tend to experience negative feelings more often. People who score low in neuroticism tend to be less susceptible to stress, and experience negative feelings relatively infrequently.
You scored 21 out of 50. This score is higher than 26.0% of people who have taken this test.
I can accept this. I definitely think I'm less neurotic than a large fraction of the people I interact with. General Disarray might disagree, but he doesn't live with those other people so what does he know!
Extraversion (or Extroversion) is the tendency to experience positive emotions and seek out stimulating situations. People who score high on extraversion tend to be active, energetic, and enjoy being around other people. In contrast, people who score low on extraversion, known as introverts, tend to be quiet, low-key, and are typically less involved in the social world.
You scored 18 out of 50. This score is higher than 5.1% of people who have taken this test.
Hey PiT, I'm more introverted than you are! Whoohoo. Yeah, this one is pretty accurate. Guilty as charged.
Openness to experience
Openness to experience is a general tendency to appreciate emotion, adventure, and unusual ideas or experiences. People who are open to experience are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. People with low scores on openness tend to have more conventional, traditional interests.
You scored 48 out of 50. This score is higher than 92.8% of people who have taken this test.
I'm good with this one as well. For example, I know I'm much more open-minded as a reviewer than 92.8% of the people who review my papers!! (I'll let you decide whether I'm joking or not)
Conscientiousness is the tendency to show self-discipline and persistence. People who score high on conscientiousness tend to be persistent, responsible, and duty-driven, but are sometimes perceived as being overly perfectionistic and concerned with order. Individuals low on conscientiousness tend to show less persistence and may have trouble seeing things through.
You scored 33 out of 50. This score is higher than 41.2% of people who have taken this test.
Apparently if you're a persistent, duty driven slob, you're ranked low on conscientiousness. Well, I have had at least one boyfriend who would agree that my tendency to leave towels on the floor showed a high lack of respect for others (namely him). I just thought he was an anal ass who was not open to new experiences. I'm beginning to understand now why it didn't work out. At least this personality test is cheaper than a therapist...
Agreeableness is the tendency to be sympathetic and cooperative towards others. People who score high on agreeableness strive for social harmony and value getting along with others. Disagreeable people tend to be more suspicious and hostile towards others.
You scored 34 out of 50. This score is higher than 31.7% of people who have taken this test.
Most people who know me (I mean the five people who actually know me) would think this is way off base. I am only suspicious and hostile towards people who give me reason to be. Otherwise, I'm just happier to be left alone. Hostility really takes more social energy than I'm capable of. Besides, social harmony is way over rated. I've always found that social harmony is a phrase used primarily by people who want to be in charge when they want everyone else to do what they want them to! Hmmm, maybe this is what got me ranked as "suspicious and hostile"